Representing Clients in Immigration Appeal Proceedings
The issuance of a removal order or denial of a permanent residency petition is not the final word in an immigration matter. You can appeal the order or denial on one of several grounds, such as ineffective counsel, an error or misinterpretation of the law.
Sarian Law Group, APLC, has a record of success in immigration appeals. We provide assertive representation in appeals before the:
- Administrative Appeals Unit (AAU) of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
- Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA)
- Federal Court of Appeals (9th Circuit Court and other circuit courts)
To schedule a consultation with a lawyer concerning an immigration appeal, contact Sarian Law Group, APLC.
Important — You have 30 days from the date of USCIS' decision in which to file an appeal to the Administrative Appeals Unit.
Vigorous Immigration Appeals Representation
In reviewing your case for an appeal to AAU, BIA or a federal circuit court, attorney Artem M. Sarian will closely examine all aspects of your case. This will include a thorough review of the source documents, not just the original attorney's notes, that could include omissions, misinterpretations or mistakes. Through a word by word and sentence by sentence analysis, Mr. Sarian will dissect the case, looking for details that others have not noticed, and that could form the basis for a successful appeal.
Sarian Law Group, APLC, represents clients in California and nationwide.
Board of Immigration Appeals Attorney
If it is necessary, Artem M. Sarian can represent you in an appeal before the Board of Immigration Appeals in Virginia. Mr. Sarian can represent you in a BIA appeal regardless of the USCIS district where your case was originally adjudicated.
Ineffective Assistance of Counsel
Artem M. Sarian won a case before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, in a case appealing the denial of a permanent residency petition based on ineffective counsel. In Avagyan v. Holder 646 F.3d 672 (2011), Mr. Sarian successfully argued that his client could make a claim to ineffective assistance of counsel.
Request an Appointment
For a consultation with Los Angeles immigration appeals attorney Artem M. Sarian, contact our firm.